Guides and Checklists
Here are some checklists and guides to help you learn about the documents and procedures that apply to development and construction projects:
- Tree Bylaw
- New Residential Construction - Single, Two-Unit and Semi-Detached Dwellings
- Detached Accessory Buildings (Sheds, Gazebos and Garages)
- Swimming Pools
- Fences
- Additions and Renovations - Single, Two-Unit and Semi-Detached Dwellings
- Secondary Suite (Small Apartment) Within a Single Family Dwelling
- Creating an Apartment Within a Single-Family Dwelling
- Converting a Residential Dwelling into a Commercial Building
- Buildings Under Part 9 of the National Building Code (Other Than Single, Two-Unit, Semi-Detached Dwellings and Small Accessory Buildings)
- Buildings Under Part 3 of the National Building Code of Canada
- Signs
- Required Site Plan Information: New Constructions and Additions (Not Applicable for Single, Two-Unit, Semi-Detached Dwellings and Small Accessory Buildings)
- Net Zero Energy Homes: The Basics of Residential Energy Efficiency