Remembrance Day commemoration in Dieppe (November 11, 2024)
Posted on Wednesday, November 06, 2024 08:50 AM
DIEPPE, NB — The City of Dieppe, in collaboration with the Dieppe Military Veterans Association, will be holding a ceremony on Monday, November 11 at École Mathieu-Martin (511 Champlain Street) to commemorate Remembrance Day.
The parade, made up of veterans, cadets and members of the RCMP, will form up at 10:30 a.m. and will make its way indoors for the ceremony that commemorates the signing of the Armistice, formalizing the end of World War I in 1918.
A reception will follow at the Dieppe Golden...
Closure of a section of LeBlanc Road
Posted on Tuesday, November 05, 2024 03:35 PM
DIEPPE, NB — The City of Dieppe wishes to advise motorists that LeBlanc Road, between building numbers 586 and 598, will be completely closed to traffic as of Wednesday, November 6. This closure will be in place until early December.
The closure of this section of LeBlanc Road is necessary to carry out major work on the water and sewer system as part of the Dieppe Boulevard extension. Detour signs will be in place.
The City regret any inconvenience this work may cause and appreciates your...
Lane reductions on Acadie Avenue (November 7 and 8, 2024)
Posted on Tuesday, November 05, 2024 09:38 AM
DIEPPE, NB — The City of Dieppe wishes to advise motorists that Acadie Avenue, between Alain-Gillette and Normandie streets, will be reduced to one single lane of traffic in each direction on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8.
These lane reductions are necessary in order to allow for the installation of new water supply services. It is recommended to plan for longer travel times or consider an alternate route when possible.
The City regret any inconvenience this work may cause and...
« Notre héritage de demain » à Dieppe
Posted on Friday, November 01, 2024 01:14 PM
DIEPPE, NB — The City of Dieppe marks National Francophone Immigration Week, which takes place from November 3 to 9, 2024. Under the theme, Shaping Tomorrow’s Heritage, the initiative illustrates the importance of the cultural heritage of francophone and Acadian communities.
The initiative also highlights the varied contributions of all community members. For coexistence to succeed, it is vital to build an inclusive and sustainable future.
Dieppe reaffirms its commitment to the French language.“As...
Closure of a section of Dieppe Boulevard
Posted on Friday, October 25, 2024 09:52 AM
DIEPPE, NB — The City of Dieppe wishes to advise motorists that Dieppe Boulevard, between Aucoin Street and Melanson Road, will be completely closed to traffic from Monday, October 28 to Friday, November 1.
This closure is necessary to install new water and sewer services. Detour signs will be in place. It is recommended to plan for longer travel times.
The City regrets any inconvenience this work may cause and appreciates your patience and collaboration.